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Rizko Hadi   LinkedIn

PhD Candidate at Wageningen University and Research

Get to Know Rizko Hadi

I am a PhD student in laboratory of virology, graduate school experimental plant sciences, Wageningen University and Research. I get funded by LPDP scholarship. In Indonesia, I work as a lecturer in Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Palangka Raya.

My ongoing project is to investigate the interaction between virus, chloroplast, and insect vector. This project then covers a variety of field including virology, plant physiology, entomology, biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology as well as a various techniques, such as microscopy, omics, plant phenotyping, insect handling and experiments (EPG, etc.). My previous master project was in the field, investigating the Begomovirus infection pattern on spatial, temporal, and genetics point of view, which objectives was to improve the melon plant breeding system in Indonesia.